Saturday, April 3, 2010

2 April 2010 Yzerfontein to somewhere near Velddrif!

God is good!

Those of you who know the "West Coast Road" will know that it is notoriously dangerous with frequent thick fog. Well, yesterday morning we woke up to thick fog and I started stressing about cycling on the R27 in fog so thick that you can barely start making out the outline of any object less than a hundred metres ahead of you. I was praying all the way and was kept safe.

It felt like scuba diving on bicycle! In the Jaws movie, the two guys are drinking on their boat, boasting about their scars or biggest fish they ever caught (can't remember exactly what it was???) and then they feel the shark bumping their boat..... It felt like I had something creeping up from behind all the time! Believe me, I could not cycle any further to the left of the road than I did! Jaws theme song - da dum, da dum, da dum da dum da dum.....

After about 25km, I reached the turn-off to the West Coast National Park and it was a great relief to get off this busy road (remember that it is Easter Weekend and all the Capies are having their last escape before the winter it seems!).

Cycling in the Park is a great experience although visibility was poor. I spotted lots of tiny Field Mice (Streep Muise) along the road verge and some distance into the ride I even came across 8 Eland. Massive big antelope. The males can weigh op to a ton and because of the immense weight, the ligaments in their legs make an incredible metallic clicking sound when they walk. What an experience to be on a bicycle in the bush among such majestic animals.

Until this point, I was rather cold and wet, but then the fog started lifting and conditions got better. Thys and Nerina caught up with me and it was time for Nerina to cycle with me! I won a bicycle in a lucky-draw in February and we decided to bring the bike along for occasions like this. The roads in the park are tarred and a pleasure to cycle on. All too soon we were through the park and in Langebaan.

Being Easter, we were having serious problems finding accommodation. Thys and Nerina went on ahead to find a spot from where she could phone and try to find accommodation. Luckily I spotted their bakkie parked at a farm stall and popped in to find out what news they had. No luck! Out of desperation I asked the manager of the farm stall if she did not know of a farmer in the area who might be willing to accommodate us and two minutes later she came back and said we could camp at the farm stall! And here we are now, right next to the busy R27!

We made camp and went for a drive out to Velddrif later in the afternoon. This little town is on the banks of the Berg River and is known for its "Bokkom" Industry (salted and wind dried fish). It is also a fantastic spot for bird watching as many waders live on and along the river.

Our night next to the R27 was not too bad, but the traffic was disturbing after I got over my worst tiredness.

Today (Saturday the 3rd) was spent back at West Coast Park, but this time in a car. All too soon the day was over and we are now back at our site, preparing supper. Thys is doing a "Potjie" on the fire, I changed my bicycle tyres back to knobblies as I will be doing more dirt roads again over the next few days.

Tomorrow, I will leave my companions behind and head off to St. Helena (only about 25km from here) to spend the day and night with Sandra and Frank. The following day (Monday, we will be off to Elandsbaai and I am hoping that Nerina will be able to join me on the spare bike again.

So, cheers from a wind blown West Coast Farm Stall on the R27!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you had a great easter and were not hassled by the holiday traffic
