Wednesday, May 12, 2010

12 May 2010 Prince Albert to Oudtshoorn

Feels like ages ago that I wrote my blog! Can't remember what I said and what not, so excuse me if I repeat myself.

The ride to Prince Albert was tough, as I mentioned and the weather was still not promising on Monday. After the visit to Ailsa and Andrew, I convinced Thys and Nerina's to stay in Prince Albert for one more day, so that we could wait for clear weather to do the Swartberg Pass crossing. It seems such a waste to do that lovely road in poor visibility. I could not stay in my cottage any longer as they had a booking for it and so we moved out of town, to Bushman's Valley.

T and N camped, but I took a "Bushman hut" for R100 per night. It is a thatched shelter, but inside they have a canvas tent, which means you have no creepy's crawling into bed with you. There is electricity and they provide towels. The setting is beautiful, amongst the mountains. I include a photo of my accommodation.

During the night, I heard some rain falling, and was worried about today's weather. All worries for nothing, as the day turned out to be clear and sunny with a mild breeze. It was cool, but we are well into autumn after all!  I only got going at 9:00 this morning, but was planning a relaxed ride anyway.

The word "awesome" is used too easily nowadays, and I believe it was created to describe this beautiful part of God's creation. The mountains are magnificent, massive, indescribable. Photo's can't capture the sheer majesty and size - you have to see it for yourself.
I crawled up the pass slowly and gently. It took me 2 hours of cycling to do the 998m of vertical climbing to "The Top", but you can add another 35minutes to this for all my photo stops. I wanted to brew myself some coffee at the top, but wind was howling up there, and very cold as well. After a quick photo or two and putting on my wind breaker, I jumped into the descent. Because of all the weight in the panniers, I had to take it easy - this I did not like one bit, as I love a fast descent!

Included here, is a photo of me on day 31, at the 31km marker going up the pass. I had to balance the camera on the stone wall, run across the road and put a big smile on my face. Didn't come out too badly?! You climb from 676m to 1587m in just over 16km. The views are indescribable and the air was so crisp and clear.

As mentioned above, the wind was howling on the going down side. I just kept going, but did stop again for a few photo's. One just can't help yourself.
Where the road leading from the Pass links up with the road to the Cango Caves and Oudtshoorn, is Wilgewandel, a farm stall and adventure center for kids. They offer camel rides and also have meals and coffee. I sent T and N an sms and told them that I would be stopping for coffee, and before I could order, they joined me. We decided on having a light lunch as well before I got going again.
The road from Wilgewandel winds all along the Grobbelaars River through Schoemanspoort (gorge?) and Thys joined me on his bicycle for the last 15km into town. We reached our destination just after 15:00 and are now spending the night again with friends of mine. We are staying with Hannes, Trix and their son Jaco. It is always great to catch up with old friends, and Trix treated us to some pea soup and "vetkoek". My stomach is full, and I am ready to curl up in bed.
Tomorrow I am going to George via the Montagu Pass. This pass is even steeper (downhill) than the Swartberg Pass, but I am choosing to use this road rather that the much busier Outeniqua Pass. Weather on this side of the mountain looks promising, but there might be some rain on the George side of the mountain.
So, it is cheers for now. Hope to have time to write tomorrow, as we will be staying with my "other Mother and Father", who gave me a second home when I was growing up. Oom Hendrik and Tannie Sus, who joined us for supper on the first night of my expedition!
Today was the 31st day and I have done 2748.6km to date. It looks like I am not going to make the 3000km mark, and Nerina suggested that I cycle to Port Elizabeth to make up the shortfall. To this I replied, that I might as well then aim for the 4000km mark! I don't think so!


  1. Karenkie
    As ek so lees van die mooi plekke waar jy verbygery het, dan wil ek dit ook besoek! Ek kan nie glo jy is al amper weer terug nie. En dit na byna 2 maande! Ek dink ook Nerina se idee van Port Elizabeth toe ry, is BAIE goed! Ons sal die slaapplek vir jou reghou en sommer ook die vetgemaakte kalf slag vir groot feesvier! Veilige reis verder hoor!
    Baie liefde avn ons almal

  2. Uitstekende foto wat jy van jouself geneem het - minstens kan ons sien dat jy nog in een stuk is na al die kilometers!

    Dit lyk ook na heerlike blyplek wat jy gehad het vir R100! Verstaan egter nie hoekom een bed buite die tent en die ander daar binne is nie?

    Geniet die laaste paar dae - dit is mos die wereld waarvoor jy lief is (en die mense!), so dit behoort nie te moeilik te wees nie. Ek glo die 3000km sou 'n groot mylpaal wees, maar ek dink jy kan aanvaar dat mense BEINDRUK en GEMOTIVEERD is deur wat jy gedoen het, ongeag of dit nou 2800 of 3000km is.

    Hoop 'n stukkie van jou swerwer-siel is na dese bevredig... of het dit net meer wakker gemaak!?


  3. Excellent! Just Excellent Karen!!! Nearly home!!! I really like your Bushman's Hut - beautiful!!!!
    Lots and lots of love Pam
